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By Brenda

Tips to Help You Qualify for a FHA Loan with Bad Credit

Jun 12 2015 Parent Category

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is an organization that provides insurance for mortgage loans. FHA lenders that offer FHA products will receive a guarantee from the government that if the borrower defaults on their mortgage loan, the FHA will repay ق€�

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By Brenda

What Happens to a Borrowers Credit if their Cosigner Dies

Mar 31 2015 Parent Category

A lot of people obtain the help of cosigners in order to gain access to credit accounts due to the fact that they donق€™t have adequate credit, or sometimes donق€™t have credit at all. However, not many take into consideration the possibility that their ق€�

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By Brenda

Pros and Cons of Doing a Credit Product Change

Mar 14 2015 Parent Category

A credit product change is the term used to refer to the changing of a credit card account from a product offered by a bank to a different product offered to you by the same bank. A credit product change is different then simply applying for a new credit ق€�

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By Brenda

Why You May Want to Say No to Credit Card Protection

Feb 06 2015 Parent Category

If youق€™re considering whether or not to pay for a credit card protection plan that will aid you in making payments if you become unemployed or disabled then you should keep in mind this may not be all itق€™s cracked up to be. You likely want something ق€�

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By Brenda

The Risk and Rewards of Adding an Authorized User to Your Account

Oct 31 2014 Parent Category

If youق€™re trying to decide whether or not itق€™s a good idea to add someone as an authorized user to your credit card, youق€™ll need to look at the overall pros and cons. Depending on your own unique situation, you will be able to decide whether or not ق€�

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