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By Brenda
Tips to Help You Qualify for a FHA Loan with Bad Credit
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is an organization that provides insurance for mortgage loans. FHA lenders that offer FHA products will receive a guarantee from the government that if the borrower defaults on their mortgage loan, the FHA will repay ق€�
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What Happens to a Borrowers Credit if their Cosigner Dies
A lot of people obtain the help of cosigners in order to gain access to credit accounts due to the fact that they donق€™t have adequate credit, or sometimes donق€™t have credit at all. However, not many take into consideration the possibility that their ق€�
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Pros and Cons of Doing a Credit Product Change
A credit product change is the term used to refer to the changing of a credit card account from a product offered by a bank to a different product offered to you by the same bank. A credit product change is different then simply applying for a new credit ق€�
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Why You May Want to Say No to Credit Card Protection
If youق€™re considering whether or not to pay for a credit card protection plan that will aid you in making payments if you become unemployed or disabled then you should keep in mind this may not be all itق€™s cracked up to be. You likely want something ق€�
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The Risk and Rewards of Adding an Authorized User to Your Account
If youق€™re trying to decide whether or not itق€™s a good idea to add someone as an authorized user to your credit card, youق€™ll need to look at the overall pros and cons. Depending on your own unique situation, you will be able to decide whether or not ق€�
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