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By Brenda
The Pros and Cons of a Credit Card Limit Increase
Credit cards are a type of revolving account that can fluctuate in its spendable amount. Once your balance reaches a certain level, you are unable to make any more purchases on the card until a portion of the debt has been paid off. The amount on a credit …
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The Impact of Late Mortgage Payments on Credit
For many US citizens, a home mortgage is the largest investment that they'll ever make. Once payments start towards a mortgage, those payments will contribute to the homeowner's credit score, and so on time payments can be a great way to enhance your …
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Bad Credit Auto Loan Scams to Avoid
A bad credit auto loan is one of the many types of loans that typically don't require people to go into a bank, but instead simply have to fill out a few forms on the Internet. Unfortunately, this means that loan scammers can easily take advantage of people …
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6 Ways to Spot Bad Credit Card Deals
There are currently hundreds of credit card offers on the market. It is likely the case that you've been given credit card offers from your own bank on several occasions, as well as asked if you want to join store credit card programs from such places …
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Tips to Help You Qualify for a FHA Loan with Bad Credit
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is an organization that provides insurance for mortgage loans. FHA lenders that offer FHA products will receive a guarantee from the government that if the borrower defaults on their mortgage loan, the FHA will repay …
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