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By Brenda
Last Minute Options to Pay for College
Getting a college education offers chances to get a job that offers higher salaries and more advancement opportunities. The downside is, college can be expensive, especially without financial aid. Students all over the country depend on some form of financial ق€�
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How to Have a Fun Night Out When Youق€™re Broke
Going out is a lot of fun, but when youق€™re broke, it becomes difficult. You may find yourself sitting at home, binge watching programs youق€™ve already seen a dozen times or more. You want to have a good time, but you also want to eat and have electricity ق€�
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10 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund
With your taxes finally out of the way, you can now eagerly await the arrival of your tax refund check. Thereق€™s a good chance that you have already made some plans for that money. While it may be tempting to take that check and blow it on expensive things ق€�
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Is a Grocery Delivery Service Worth the Extra Fees?
Letق€™s face it, going to the grocery store is not exactly everyoneق€™s favorite chore. You have to contend with other drivers on the road to get to the store, wander up and down aisles, searching for the products you need, wait in a long checkout line and ق€�
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Best Paying Summer Jobs for High School Students
When you are in high school, it is important that you learn how to take care of yourself both in and out of school. During the school year, you must focus on grades, extra-curriculars, and of course, have some sort of a social life. However, during the summertime, ق€�
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