Loans for Any Reason You May Need!
A quick and easy way to get the loan you need today!
By Brenda
What is a Floating Rate Loan?
Floating-rate loans are a type of variable-rate loan that is given out by banks or other financial institutions to companies that are struggling with low credit. These types of loans are sometimes referred to as senior bank loans or syndicated loans. Borrowers …
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5 Financially Savvy Things to do with a Pay Raise
Receiving a pay raise is one of the most satisfying feelings out there. It is a way for your employee to tell you that your performance has been excellent and that you deserve a reward. That being said, a pay raise does come with some responsibilities. Although …
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The Secret of Getting the Most Out of Loan Promotions
A loan promotion is one means that you can save some extra money while obtaining the financing that you need. Loans can be an expensive affair, and any savings you can locate benefits your finances and puts more money in your pocket. Many private lenders …
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10 Ways to Finance a Small Business on your Own
Getting started with your own business requires a great deal of money. Even if you have the best idea to be the next "big business" you need to have the money to get started. If the banks are not offering you loans, all hope is not lost; there …
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6 Ways to Afford Living without a Roommate
Have you exhausted just about every ounce of patience in your body when it comes to sharing your palace with another human being? If the answer is yes, then perhaps it is time that you consider a simple life of solidarity. The word simple is used here, but …
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