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By Brenda
Getting a First-Time Home Loan with Bad Credit
Buying a home is something most Americans look forward to in life, but are hindered by ghosts of financial past. When you have debt and poor credit hanging over your head, it's hard to get approved for credit, let alone a mortgage loan. Being turned down …
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15 of YouTube's Biggest Richest Stars
YouTube is considered a favorite among many Internet users, and is one of the most popular websites in the world, comparable to Facebook and Google. It also has its own phone app, which allows people to watch videos on the go. The types of videos on YouTube …
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Options for Getting a Loan Out of Default
Your loans will move from their delinquent status into default if you do not turn in your monthly payments for a certain amount of time. Keep in mind that if you default on your loans, your credit rating will drop substantially, which will make it hard for …
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What is a Section 184 Loan?
The Section 184 was created in order to give access to mortgages to Alaskan Native and Native American tribal members. These types of loans are completely guaranteed by the Office of Loan Guarantee located in the Office of Native American Programs. This …
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Can Payday Loan Lenders Garnish Wages?
If you decided to obtain a payday loan and did not make your repayment on time then you've probably received numerous calls from payday loan debt collectors. These debt collectors may have used the threat of garnishing your wages in order to try to get …
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