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By Brenda

Beware of Flip Cash Scam or Green Dot MoneyPak Scam

Jun 05 2014 Parent Category

Have you recent heard or maybe seen pictures on Instragram, about the ability to use prepaid cards to make boatloads of money in just a few hours? Many people are toting the ability these cards hold to become wealthy in just a few hours, days, or weeks. …

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By Brenda

Things People Spend Money on That Are a Huge Waste

Jun 03 2014 Parent Category

Many people live on a budget due to their finances being tight. They set enough money off to the side to make sure they can pay for the roof over their heads, their utilities, their vehicles, and the food they need to survive. However, when it comes to creating …

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By Brenda

Steps to Withdraw a Hardship Loan from 401k

Jun 02 2014 Parent Category

There are times in life where unexpected and overwhelming financial hardships can make it to where life is nearly impossible to continue on without some extra cash. While sometimes a payday loan or some type of personal loan can be enough to cover the expense, …

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