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By Brenda
Ways to Get Out of Your Money Troubles
Everyone seems to find themselves in a financial bind at some point or another during their lifetime, but when you find yourself constantly struggling, is there ever a way out? Fortunately, there are quite a few things you can do to help get yourself out …
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Life Lessons Learned from Warren Buffett
Imagine being able to have a sit down conversation with the one and only Warren Buffett. You would be able to learn more lessons from that conversation than most college professors can teach in a semester. You can listen to the words of advice that Warren …
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7 Signs You Need a Money Manager
There are several reasons why having a money manager can come in handy. However, in some cases you may require a money manager in order to take care of your finances. Here are seven signs that your finances are in need of someone to look after them. You …
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Why Car Title Loans Can Be a Bad Idea
If you have ever had financial issues and required money, you may have considered obtaining a high-interest loan by signing over your vehicle. When you are in need of cash and have bad credit or even no credit at all than you most likely won't be able …
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How to Get Overdraft Fees Reversed
No matter how well you plan out your finances, mistakes occasionally happen. Sometimes those mistakes lead to costly overdraft fees that can really eat away at your monthly budget. If you are in a situation where you are facing one (or multiple) overdraft …
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