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By Brenda

15 Ways for Moms to Make Money at Home

Feb 05 2014 Parent Category I

Being a stay at home mom is a job in and of itself; unfortunately it doesnق€™t exactly rake in the dough. Although staying at home to take of your children can be extremely rewarding, at the end of the day, you may wish to seek out something more. Here are fifteen ways that you can make money at home while still having plenty of time to take care of the kids.

Get Money for Shopping Online

You may think earning money by shopping online is too good to be true, but it is actually a very real and great way to earn a few extra bucks. One of the main ways to earn money while you shop online is to gain credit by sharing various deals with family and friends, which allows you to save a huge amount of money by getting the things your family already needs for free. On top of this, many sites actually give you cash for referring your friends and family. You can receive regular checks every month simply by doing this.

Start a Catering Business

If youق€™re a good cook you could make a substantial amount of money by cooking company meals in the comfort of your own kitchen. A number of companies are looking to save money by hiring chefs that are able to cook full meals in their home and then deliver them to an office. For this job to work out, it is usually beneficial if you live in proximity of the company so that you can make a quick commute to deliver the food once itق€™s prepared.

Grant Manager or Writer

There are a numerous grant writer or manager positions that do not require you to leave your home office. Whether you seek a grant writing position at a company or simply work as a freelancer for several different clients. As a grant writer you will be able to create proposals and prepare grant applications from your home, which makes it a great job for a stay at home mom.

Create a Home Business

Creating a home business is easier than it sounds, especially when you have some time on your hands. A good place to start is to figure out what you like to do and where your talents lie. For example if you like photography then you may want to consider starting a in-home photography business, otherwise if your passion lies in sewing then becoming a seamstress or sell your handmade creations on Etsy. This type of work is not only fulfilling but can make you a pretty penny as well.

Direct Sales at Home

If you have a nice home that you are willing to host business parties at then you can receive discounts or even make some money by doing so. Otherwise, you can even consider becoming a sales representative to make a bigger paycheck. Some of the most popular companies that are constantly looking for people are Mary Kay, Avon and Pampered Chef. Numerous smaller companies also look to independent sale representatives to sell their merchandise.

Sell Old Things on Craigslist

If you arenق€™t looking for a permanent job, but want to make some money then selling some of your old things on Craigslist is a great way to go about that. You would be surprised how simple it is to sell your un-needed and old things on the website. If you choose this route make sure that you practice safe selling methods by not listing your address or phone number and instead just letting people email you. Also keep in mind that you can more easily sell your things if you post pictures of them.

Create Your Own Blog

Technical knowledge isnق€™t required to start your own blog. Itق€™s very easy to do; all you need is some motivation and an idea. If you arenق€™t sure on how to make money from blogging then there are plenty of articles on the Internet on how to do so.

Virtual Assistance

Becoming a virtual assistant is a great way to make a steady income while still having plenty of time to take care of the young ones at home. There are plenty of legitimate companies that are looking to hire virtual assistance. If you go this route ensure that you are being hired by a legit website of blog as there are quite a few fraudulent websites out there.

Freelance Writing

If you have experience on a topic and are a good or at least decent writer then freelance writing can be right up your alley. For example, foodies who know which restaurants in their area to avoid and which to go to get the best Tiramisu can write a food journal. Otherwise you could consider taking advantage of your expertise as a stay at home mother and write tips on being a great parent. Whatever your knowledge, you can make a decent amount of money by writing a column in your local paper or being an Examiner in your city.

Be a Mystery Shopper

Most people know about mystery shopping in real brick and mortar stores, but as the world of shopping shifts online so does the market for virtual mystery shoppers. Keep in mind that you may have to pay an initial cost up front for the items you purchase until you establish yourself as a capable online shopper.

Refer People for Jobs

If you know people who are hardworking and who are looking for a job then you could potentially prosper from them by referring them to an employer. You could make anywhere from $50 to a couple thousand dollars if you are able to refer someone.

Write an Ebook

Writing Ebooks isnق€™t for everyone but if you have a knack for writing and can come up with some innovative solutions to problems then you may be cut out for it. In order to write a successful Ebook that will make money, keep in mind that you have to write about solutions that you canق€™t easily find the answer to.

Tutor Kids

If you are knowledgeable on a subject such as math or science or are good at reading papers then you could tutor kids in the comfort of your own home. This job is better for moms who have older children who will be able to distract themselves for a couple of hours per day.

Rent Out a Room

If you have a spare room in your house and you donق€™t mind having some company then you could make some extra money by renting out a room. Whether itق€™s a long term or short-term situation, you can make a decent salary by advertising on sites such as Craigslist.


Since you already take care of your own kids then what difference does a few more make? You can make some extra money as a stay at home mom simply by advertising yourself to other mothers as a babysitter. The best part is if you have kids who are a similar age to the ones you babysit, you barely have to do anything but keep an eye out while they play.

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